Diggit Mobile Marketing medium category image

SEO – understanding the basics and imp...

It is very easy to forget certain search engine optimisation elements of your website and you may wonder why you are struggling to achieve decent rankings on places such as Google and Bing. Although the search engines have private algorithms, they do give an idea of what they are looking for an also what they do not want to see. Some companies get ...
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Diggit Mobile Marketing medium category image

Should you use splash pages for your web...

Splash pages used to be used in abundance but companies looking to get their website noticed. Today, they are still used by some business and there are a number of reasons in which a company may want to do this, often it is to improve their presence on the sea...
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Diggit Mobile Marketing medium category image

Should you use web design software to cr...

If you are a business looking to have a website developed, you may be a little shocked at the costs which can be involved, especially in more complex sites. You may be tempted to choose one of the cheaper, off the shelf website packages that allows you to crea...
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Marketing through paid advertising

Marketing through paid advertising

Paid advertising such as Google Adwords, Facebook Marketing and sponsored listings on sites such as Yell can work well for many companies. If you want quick, instant results then paid for marketing is probably the way to go. Paid for marketing can be expensive...
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Can the location of your hosting service affect your rankings?

Can the location of your hosting service...

When it comes to marketing a website, business owners want to ensure that their site has the best possible chance of being found. SEO (search engine optimisation) is vital in order to get your site listed highly on the search engines such as Google, Bing and Y...
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