Marketing your business, essential or unwarranted?

When setting up your own business it can be an anxious time as you try to decide what your set up costs are going to be and what the most effect ways to promote your business are. Marketing costs can be high as you try to make your business known but is it essential that you promote your business in this way or are there alternatives.

The answer to this question very much depends are the type of business that you run. For instance if you are running a business that is online based such as web design then it is expected that you will have an online presence of some sort whether it be a website or a social media business page on the other hand if your business is a local one that caters for local customers such as a childminder it may not be necessary to outlay money on marketing.

Many business owners carry out useful market research to find out what medium their clients prefer to use to access their services. Should your target clientele be the elderly you may find that a majority do not use computers and so spending money on online marketing may be less effective.